It was World Productivity Day on 20 June and it got me thinking about how productive I am in my biz. It also got me thinking about automation. How productive do you think you are in your biz? Have you streamlined your processes? Do you even have processes? I do have processes, and now that I’ve been in biz for almost six months I’m starting to review them and see where I can make improvements I use an app called Zapier (www.zapier.com) which allows you to connect and move data from one piece of software to another. And this is how I’m going to streamline some of my tasks There’s a free version that allows you to set up five integrations (they call them zaps) which is great to trial it and make sure it’s right for you So what am I going to integrate first? Here’s my list ... it might give you some inspiration. The majority are from Hubspot to start with as this is my client “source of truth” 1️⃣ Hubspot to Wave - I’ve got GMail sync’d to Hubspot already so it auto creates my contacts; so I’m going to have Hubspot send client details directly to Wave when a “lead” converts to a “customer” 2️⃣ Hubspot to Asana - same thing, client details going to Asana to set up new projects 3️⃣ Asana to Toggl - setting up a new project for new clients 4️⃣ Gmail to Asana - if I use a certain tag on an email it will be turned into a task in Asana *squee* 5️⃣ Hubspot to Mailchimp - when a new client is set up in Hubspot, a contact will be added to Mailchimp and tagged as “client” What do you think you could use it for? Tell me your thoughts in the comments, and feel free to get in touch if you'd like to discuss automating or outsourcing in your biz